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Cheshire County DX ARC

The Official Newsletter

Of The

Cheshire County DX

Amateur Radio Club

The following members were in attendance. Bruce KA1TWX, Bruce B WA1YZN, Mike N1MJX, Jack N1NGF, Wayne KC5WXC, Colleen, Dean W1VK, Joel WA1ZYX, Randy N1KWF, Clark KD1LQ, Conrad N1POG, Aaron KQ1I, Skip K2XD, Derek W1WWW and Paul KB1ECB. 
Plans to get ready for field day were discussed and to have a 3A station along with one QRP unit that Doc KV1S is planning on setting up and operating. The computer system that we used last year is going to be running again and the equipment is being gathered for programming. The antennas will be set up the same way again provided we can get the bucket lift again this year. Derek is working on that but is making no promises. The Red Cross radio station is going to be used again this year as a talk-in. Emergency portable antennas for the emergency radio need to be built and making up some J-poles using the 300 ohm TV cable would be ideal as they could be rolled up and stored with a minumum of space. A report on the repeater was made and the only thing holding up the work has been all the snow in case nobody has noticed. A remote unit has been installed for testing in the portable radio cabinet and has been operating with a PL of 123.0. The repeater committee is considering several locations for better coverage in the area and again as soon as weather conditions permit will make a decision as to where it will go. Skywarn weather training is taking place the end of May in Hillsborough for those who want to take part in the weather warning system run from NWS in Taunton, MA. Also for those who need to renew their current cards. There is a plan to run this at Monadnock HS from 7 to 10 PM on May 16 but this hasn't been firmed up at this time. This date will conflict with the club meeting night and members may want to change the meeting night for this date only. This can be discussed at the next meeting. Otherwise members will have to decide where they will be on this date. The club webpage has been moved from Angelfire to a new site. ( 

For those who have been looking for the Heart Of NE Bike Race sponsored by Peerless there has been information that it will not be held in the Keene area this year. Information is it will be somewhere in the New London NH area. This has not been confirmed at this time. If any info comes in the word will be passed by net, webpage and newsletter. Sorry, but this is all I have at this time. Another way will be to contact Paul WK1P on the Markem machine as he has been co-ordinator in past years.
As in the past couple of years the Field Day is going to be held at the American Legion Post in Keene. This is on upper Court St. and will be behind the Post Home. Everybody is welcome to come and operate whether or not you belong to the club. The general public is welcome also and if you have any friends or relatives who are interested bring them along also. All are welcome.
A reminder that two nets are on the K1TQY repeater every week and that it's there for everyone to take part in at least once or twice a month. There is the regular Wednesday night Emergency Services net at 7:30 PM on 146.805 and all who can should check in. Announcements and traffic is passed and is one way to keep up with what is going on. The second is a CW net called "THE BRASSPOUNDERS NET" with Doc KV1S as NC. This group meets Thursday night at 8:00 PM and is for code practice and proficiency and to have fun. All are welcome to either net and both are on the the 146.805 machine. If you need help in getting code operation check in on voice and the crew will give you help.

As a reminder we are still having the Disaster Drill on May 5th at 1 PM, and I am asking all volunteers that would like to participate to be here at the chapter at 1PM for the official notification as to where to go and what has happened. This is an excellent opportunity for you to put to practice what you have been taught or to see how things might work if you have not had the training. It will be over no later than 5 PM and if you need to leave earlier I will understand. (info Bob Ferguson RC EmergServDir)

On Saturday March 17 I attended a meeting of EC's and AEC's at the New Hampshire Fire Academy in Concord. Jim Cluett W1PID ASEC talked about developing a Rapid Response communication team for fast location to anywhere in the state. This would give time for local groups to get people activated and equipment in operation. The plan was suggested to see how many people would be willing to undertake and implement such a group. Teams to be made up of people from all over New Hampshire. Also to get ideas from the group and how many would be willing to help. It would provide for a pool of experienced communicators with message handling skills and the setup and operation of stations. Training would involve table top exercises, field simulations, NC/traffic handling and technical skills in setting up field emergency stations. There were several pros and cons at this time and this was put out to see its feasibility and what kind of response there would be from the group. 
Al N1FIK and Gary N3CLZ are trying to get people for EC's to replace those who have resigned and for counties that do not have any at this time. They also came up with a plan to get at least four AEC's to help. They suggested having them broken down into four groups: 1-operations, 2-administration, 3-liaison (agencies) and 4-logistics. Persons to assist in management and consulting could be utilized as well. Don N1VDB is rewriting the Emergency Service Manual for New Hampshire and has received several ideas that he is incorparating into the manual. He's well into getting it done and arrangements for printing are underway. Plans for an ICS (incident command system) course for ARES is underway at the Fire Academy. It is being setup for co-ordination with fire units and disasters around the state. It is going to be made up for local classroom training with several forms of training aids being considered, ie: handouts, Powerpoint presentations, slides, cd-rom etc. Rob N1IIC presented a plan for this and is currently working out the details. 
An updated statewide frequency list is being made and will be posted as soon as it's done. A new station manning and equipment form, updated NWS info and a list of the current packet stations was passed out. Anyone wishing to have a copy please let me know and I'll make some. Jack N1NGF

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